Interesting list...Check it out here.
It is amazing how creative kids can be...And not just creative, but also detailed oriented.  Check out this Interview with Johnathan Ive on Blue Peter.  All great designs...

I will have to try at least couple of these apps.  Check out: 15 Apps for Improved Reading.   

Long, long time ago...when I was learning how to read, the process did not seem to be difficult at all.  I learned my letters.  In my native language, each letter is a unique sound as well.  Learning how to read in comparison to learning how to read English, seemed much easier.  I even learnt to read in two different alphabets, Latin and Cyrillic, by the age of 6.  But again, it did not seem hard.  I even remember the moment, when it clicked.

Couple of years later, I started learning English.  Learning how to read in English was harder but I was older and used a number of association methods to recognize the patterns and read.  To be honest, it was more of a memorization and association exercise.  Today, I can read English well.  But, it is still my second language and my comprehension is not at the level it should be.  Although, my theory is that due to my still fairly limited vocabulary, I make lots of assumptions about the meaning of certain words based on the context around it.  Hence, I can read the word.  I can read the sentence, but the lack of familiarity with the word does not yield proper association and limits my comprehension.  

Today, I watch children learning how to read English.  I watch them struggle, and feel that perhaps they are just too young to master it.  Applications like these will 

John and Erol have been collaborating  and making new updates to the TimesTables App.  It should be coming out soon...stay tuned.  In the meantime, there are so many good and rewarding reviews.  

There is nothing more rewarding than a positive review on your own creation... here is the latest one that came through the email.
Iman Hussein - January 30, 2013 - Version 1.1
This app has really helped me improve with my times tables and it's fun at the same time, I thank who ever made this app!!"

Thank you Iman for your kind words and encouragement to make it even better...

While casually surfing my Facebook wall, I came across this absolutely inspiring video from a 7-year old CA boy.  He is a walking commercial for this site... Thank you, Tristan.
NOTE:  I do not know this boy nor his family.  Hence, they may ask me to remove this video from this site.  But, at least for the moment, I wanted to share the inspiration. 

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