"Parenting is one of the best things that you can experience in life and there is nothing better than educating your own children.  Yet, teaching kids has never been an easy task, as children these days are always distracted by the things happening around them.
One of the best practices by parents is that keeping their kids entertained while educating them in the process. That way, parents and their children can also bond.
Armed with the proper tools, parents can pacify any child by amusing them with Android applications. Here are some of the best Android applications for kids and children that will keep your child happily learning for the rest of the day."
See more here...

"Kids love touchscreens. They are accessible and intuitive to use. That makes tablets ideal for learning and for play. The Android platform offers some really great apps for kids and manufacturers are starting to see the potential for dedicated child-friendly devices. "  

See more here
I am just getting started with the Stanford University - Venture Lab class on Creating Education Platforms.  It is great to see people from all around the world creating environments to address communications needs between what I call traditional and non-traditional languages.  These environments go above and beyond just simple desire to learn new languages but are in many instances driven by the needs of various humanitarian organizations trying to establish some kind of a communication mechanism with those in need.  For example, below you will see Busuu, a language that is spoken by 8 people in the entire world.  Or Pictason, focusing on the language that is spoken by a small tribe in Morocco.   There are some great efforts and examples, see below.  I will share more as I come across them.    
Pictason -- I will post link and video shortly.

An amazing article ...."But I think where smartphones will really matter is in the realm of education. There’s a whole ocean of knowledge out there, but until now, most people have only been able to sip from random patches with a thin straw. For the first time, the youth among those second billion smartphone owners will be able to get really interested in, or better yet passionate about, something — and then be able to learn everything there is to know about it, at their leisure, in their homes. If you ask me, that’s a revolution all by itself."

One of them is technology in education.  You can find more info here.
The more I search, the more I find, the more I learn.  There are lots of tools out there...see new list here.  My next step is to evaluate some of these and provide you with my view.  Some of them will make it to our 33Innovations list, for sure.
More EduTech State innitiatives.  Read more here
"Children are taught algebra and geometry in school, but are they being taught how to manage their money?" Read more here.
An interesting project, Raspebrry Pi Foundation.  It is worth noting that they originally focused on kids, but realized that their initial buyers was slightly older audience of hackers, programmers, and geeks. :) Read more about it here.
Many of you know that I have been a long follower of Fred Wilson and his AVC Blog.  There is rarely a topic Fred Wilson starts that does not provoke deep thinking and does not start innovation juices flowing through our minds.  His ideas push the envelope, ask us to think outside of the comfort and tradition.  In the same spirit, couple of weeks ago Fred Wilson and Union Square Venture published their internal research on Online Education and future of it.  See what they have to say here.